Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I kind of just want to rant for a moment about my Theology teacher.

He's horrible. Absolutely dreadful.

The entire class is like an hour and a half homily. There is no student/teacher interaction, he empasizes all the wrong words in his sentences, when he wants to reiterate something he says it twice; once the way the book says it, and once in a different language, every time he triest to read from a text he never reads what's acutally there; he paraphrases and expects us to follow along, he is absolutely obsessed with a man called Msgr. Luigi Giussani and litterally worships the ground he walked on (which incidentally probably wasn't much more than the floor of his study), he has very little knowledge of ancient philosophers, he gives us words in Greek and Latin and never gives us the definitions, he tells us he wants us to memorize things and then talks way to fast for us to possibly be able to write them down, he speaks like he thinks he's a poet (though a very lousy one he is. in other words, his speach is extrememly formal even though he's not reading anything), he goes on the longest tangents and by the time he gets back to the original subject you've forgotten what it was, he doesn't assign pages to read and just expects you to be caught up to where he is by the next class...

I really should go do spanish. >.>

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